Serge Ouaknine is a director, writer and visual designer in Montreal.
Born in Rabat, Morocco, Ouaknine studied in Paris at the National School of Decorative Arts in 1961. He then moved to Warsaw, and later Wroclaw (Breslau), to study with experimental Polish director Jerzy Grotowski.
Ouaknine earned his doctorate in liberal arts and social studies. He directs the Doctoral program in the Study and Practice of Visual Art at UQAM, and teaches theatre there, as well. Since the 2000s, Ouaknine has been involved with the National School of Theatre Arts in Montpellier, France, creating experimental theatre programs for oncologists to help them communicate and interact with their patients.
Ouaknine has written over 40 scripts and more than 250 publications on theatre, acting and poetry. He is also the author of the novel, Le tao du tagueur.