Eddie Creatchman was a wrestler-cum-promoter who brought innovation to the sport of professional wrestling in Montreal and at large.
Born in Montreal, Creatchman began his wrestling career as a referee, became a wrestler himself, and then transitioned into a managerial role. As a manager, he was called Eddie “the Brain” Creatchman, and his trademark look was sunglasses, a cigar and a large Star of David necklace. He worked for a long time at Gino Brito’s International Wrestling, managing wrestlers such as Tarzan Tyler and Gilles Poisson.
Gino Brito was the son of one of Eddie’s long-time partners, Jack Britton. Britton, born Gabriel Acocella, was a Montreal-based wrestling promoter who began as a wrestler at the age of 16. Later on, he would organize a booking office for little person wrestlers. He formed the Olympia Pro Sports company and also organized bookings for little person wrestlers, some of whom performed in Eddie Quinn’s Montreal Forum shows in the 1950s. He was also an adviser to many wrestlers – credited, for example, with Paul Vachon’s trademark shaved head and full beard.
Learn more:
Pat Laprade, Bertrand Hebert. Mad Dogs, Midgets and Screw Jobs: The Untold Story of How Montreal Shaped the World of Wrestling.